Elevating your project’s success from the ground up.
Let’s get to work.
The resources below detail information needed for the success of your project with World Tower. Please contact us with any questions.
Geotechnical Investigations
As a guideline for requesting soil reports from GEO Technical firms, use the following parameters for your particular tower.
Provide one soil boring per site and provide the following information at a minimum.
Allowable bearing pressure at incremental depths to a depth of 20 feet for shallow foundation, or 60 feet plus or minus for drilled pier foundations.
Water table below grade.
Soil weight in pounds per cubic foot.
Skin friction values, if drilled pier foundations are required.
N values for all samples.
Rock Quality Designation (RQD), if rock foundations are required.
Passive Pressure coefficient for granular soils (KP), (PHI) and cohesion values for clay soils (c).
Soil electrical resistivity, pH values and corrosive nature of soil.
Provide four to seven soil borings per site and provide the following information at a minimum.
Allowable bearing pressure required at base (3′ – 6′ depth). All borings should be 15′ to 20′ deep. If drilled pier foundations are anticipated, boring depths should be increased to between 30 and 50 feet.
Water table below grade.
Soil weight in pounds per cubic foot.
Skin friction values, if drilled pier foundations are required.
N values for all samples.
Rock Quality Designation (RQD), if rock foundations are required.
Passive Pressure coefficient for granular soils (KP), (PHI) and cohesion values for clay soils (c).
Soil electrical resistivity, pH values and corrosive nature of soil.